Drunken Devils
So today I will confess I am a terrible houseguest after having fallen asleep during a riveting Sierra Club documentary on the Coal Industry. And redeem myself with a receipe for deviled eggs, which I made from scratch and brought with me. We will conclude with a new Southern Strategy.
First, you should be really irate at all these coal-is-clean-domestic-energy & America-needs-energy-from-coal advertisments all over the Washington D.C. Metro platforms. And I'd imagine the buses, though I rarely venture above ground during daylight in our capital, all those Republicans around. Right. Coal as the new clean energy?! Help fight this PR campaign and I will reward you with a martini hidden in a deviled egg.
Okay, so you won't get the entire martini. You take eggs for deviling, add cracked black pepper, sea salt, ginger, vermouth, vodka, cranberry mustard, and garnish with buttermilk. Plate clears every time. Which rounds us to the new Southern Strategy for the Democratic Party.
A belly stuffed full was not the culpret behind my inability to close my eyes, which I shall blame on long hours seizing water, champagne, and Channel #5 from flying Americans. What was for eating? Some different kinds of "non lettuce salads," mini vegetable muffins, a large supreme pizza from a local parlor, and a spectacularly bad organic brown noodle dish. And something with zucchini. Nibble. Nibble. Covertly scrape into compost pot. At least there was watermellon for dessert. Nice that a lot of it was local grown, but an appetizing dish should be a campaign skill. Good food ups the return rate of first timers, and you can bet there's adequate chow at any Republican function. At least I had the hidden booze.
First, you should be really irate at all these coal-is-clean-domestic-energy & America-needs-energy-from-coal advertisments all over the Washington D.C. Metro platforms. And I'd imagine the buses, though I rarely venture above ground during daylight in our capital, all those Republicans around. Right. Coal as the new clean energy?! Help fight this PR campaign and I will reward you with a martini hidden in a deviled egg.
Okay, so you won't get the entire martini. You take eggs for deviling, add cracked black pepper, sea salt, ginger, vermouth, vodka, cranberry mustard, and garnish with buttermilk. Plate clears every time. Which rounds us to the new Southern Strategy for the Democratic Party.
A belly stuffed full was not the culpret behind my inability to close my eyes, which I shall blame on long hours seizing water, champagne, and Channel #5 from flying Americans. What was for eating? Some different kinds of "non lettuce salads," mini vegetable muffins, a large supreme pizza from a local parlor, and a spectacularly bad organic brown noodle dish. And something with zucchini. Nibble. Nibble. Covertly scrape into compost pot. At least there was watermellon for dessert. Nice that a lot of it was local grown, but an appetizing dish should be a campaign skill. Good food ups the return rate of first timers, and you can bet there's adequate chow at any Republican function. At least I had the hidden booze.