Thursday, March 22, 2007

Moonbat is in Love with the President

So today moonbat is deeply in love with the President. No, not Shrub!! America's Next Top President!! John Edwards. How many other credentials does a guy need? Right calls him a hater? Check. Right claims he's exploiting his own family? Check. Second check because same source prematurely counts him out of the race. Given that he is married to his high school sweetheart with three lovely children, Ann Coulter smears him as a "faggot?" Check. Right after Coulter declares her support for Romney? Special glittery check. FOX spread a lie about him? Check.

Spasms of joy after a tense 24 hours in which it was fairly obvious that his wife's breast cancer had returned. Since they were giving a news conference from their hometown, your moonbat figured the worst... that Edwards would withdraw, the only candidate on either side of the aisle she's heard a clear vision come out of the mouth of. Yet, miracle or miracles, Edwards remains in the race for President. Much will be made of the fact that his wife's cancer is out of remission and she will be receiving treatment, but let's assume the worst.

You have a malignant form of breast cancer, and one of these near years you are going to die as it turns your body into a twisted pile of goo. Do you want to sit around your house waiting for it to happen, or have the time of your life? Do you want to leave your young husband with no employment, to gamble his fortune away in Vegas, or do you want to see him win the highest post of civil service in the country? Come on, moonbat would have the time of her life.

Campaigning for America's Next Top President!! Clear, moral, unafraid: America should be the moral leader of the world; all Americans should have health care; eliminate poverty; strengthen the middle class; lead the fight against global warming and achieve energy independence. If only we could turn Edwards into a President like you turn a frog into a prince. Moonbat's all ready to pucker up!!

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